Sawyer recognizes his own name now! We love calling out his name and then watching him turn his head to see who's calling him. It is so cute. My little baby is waking up to the world around him.
Yesterday, I was a slightly concerned because he hadn't pooped all day. He normally has 2-3 poops a day. Turns out, he was saving it all up for me this morning. I woke up to a major explosion! Sawyer's poop was so forceful, it blew right out of his diaper, soaked through his shirt, and onto the sheets. It's a good thing I've become marvelously adept at cleaning up poopy messes. Needless to say, we had bath time a little earlier today.
Sawyer was so excited to see Cliff come home from work this evening, I could barely change his diaper. He kept squirming on the changing table because he didn't want to lose sight of his Dad. Cliff scooped him right up after I was done and Sawyer lit up like a Christmas tree.
Sawyer and I cuddled a lot today. I didn't want to let him go. The bigger he gets, the more fun it is to cuddle because there's more of him to hold onto! I love my little guy so much, I can't stand it. I just want to lavish him with affection nonstop. It's a wonder I get anything done around the house.