I can't believe my little Soybean is going to be 6 months in 5 days! He's grown so much, both physically and mentally, in such a short period of time. Here he is sitting in his tub. The hammock is gone and he is sitting upright by himself. Any day now he's going to be too big for his tub.
He loves bath time. Now that the hammock is gone, he loves it even more because he is completely immersed in the water and is able to kick his feet and watch the water splash up.
Sawyer is so hungry for experience right now. Whatever is in his field of sight, he wants to grab a hold of it and experience it with all 5 senses. The other day, he had a blast playing with a plastic bag. He couldn't get over the crackling sound he was able to make with it just by touching it. He tried eating the bag too, but I wouldn't let him. Of course, he was supervised the entire time.
Sawyer loves to put his finger in his mouth! No thumb, no pacifier, just a finger. Sometimes when he's breastfeeding, he will sneak his little finger in there too! He can't help it. My Little Dumpling likes his milk with a side order of finger.
Sawyer has gone through so many new changes since I last updated, it's mind boggling. My friends who are parents are always telling me to enjoy this time because it goes by fast and boy, are they right! Tonight, we caught Sawyer doing this:
Cliff and I couldn't believe it! He's figured out how to pull himself upright to a vertical position at just 5 months! This is a huge deal! Before today, it was all horizontal. We're going to have to keep the side of his crib up from now on.
Sawyer has been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth like a wild man for 2 weeks now. When he does this, it looks as if he's trying with all his might to get from point A to point B. Apparently, this rocking movement is a precursor to crawling. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts crawling very soon!
We have a breathable, white mesh bumper in his crib. It isn't the prettiest thing, but it's functional and most importantly, safe. I cannot wait to replace it with something much cuter, once he can stand. Sawyer probably doesn't care, but it's nice to have something a little more interesting to look at.
Sawyer's energy level seems to have risen significantly. I have no doubt he's going to be a very rambunctious little toddler, as most boys are. I've started drinking coffee again, just 1 small cup, every morning to jump start my mornings.
My little baby smiles and giggles so much, it's really cute. Here's another video of him. I just can't get enough of hearing him laugh.