Happy New Year everyone! This year is off to a great start! My goal is to update more this year. I've been seriously neglecting the updates. Tomomi has threatened to cut me off if I don't update more.
Today Sawyer and I met up with Shelbie, Denise, Staci, and Staci's friend at the mall. We took our boys and girls there to play in the Fruit Pit. The Fruit Pit is a massive play area for kids with giant fruit you can climb on. They love it!
Afterward, we had a sit down lunch at Too Jay's. It took us a good 20 minutes just to get situated with 8 kids. They all behaved so well at lunch! Believe it or not, there were no breakdowns and no tears were shed. We were all so proud!
Sawyer tried French Onion soup for the 1st time and enjoyed it. In the past 2 weeks, he's really opened up to trying new foods.
Sawyer is such a funny boy. I turned around for a few seconds this afternoon to write an email and caught him sitting in Enya's bed. I laughed myself silly! He has never done this before. Enya was such a good sport. She allowed him to share her sacred throne and even licked him as if he were her baby. Yes, Enya's bed is filthy. It gets like that within 2 days of being washed.

Earlier this week Sawyer and I went to the zoo with Jean and her son Clinton. The boys had a blast running around the zoo. Whenever Sawyer would see Clinton out of his stroller, he wanted to be out too. I was able to get some good shots of them together.

There's a carousel at the zoo. Sawyer loves the music they play there. He danced and danced until the music stopped. I think we may have a future musician in our hands. He loves music so much and never fails to break out in a dance every time he hears it!

Cliff flew to CA earlier this week on a business trip to Google. He brought me home some Chinese slippers from SF to wear around the house. Sawyer watched me putting them on. As soon as I took them off, he grabbed one from me and slid it on his own foot. He loves to copy me!

We had a fantastic Christmas in VA this year! It's always nice to be around lots of family. Sawyer always ends up being the star of the show. I think it's important for him to grow up remembering Christmas with his grandparents and extended family. Grandma and Grandpa let him run around their house unrestricted. A big treat up until this point! He also loved running around their humungous backyard.
Here are a few pictures from the 777 I took. I really did take 777 pictures! Unfortunately, most of them didn't turn out well. Also, Sawyer's face is all bruised up in every. single. pic. Bruises were caused by him banging his head on the crib in protest of bedtime a few days earlier.

Saywer with his Great Aunt Kay:

Sawyer's Great Grandma showing off his picture:

Sawyer with Sandy, his Great Aunt:

Sawyer with his 2nd cousin William:

Sawyer was enthralled with this little buggie car. It belonged to Cliff as a child:

Sawyer with Trevor (family friend):

Sawyer with Grandma or Mema as we like to call her: