Sawyer had blast riding through the drive through safari. We got to see a wide range of animals in the wildlife preserve, including rhinos and zebras that walked in front of our car. We had one animal come right up to the driver's side window and press his nose up against it. We felt like we were in Jurassic Park. It's incredible how close we were able to get.

Here we are taking an ice cream break. It was 94 degrees out, but with the humidity, it felt more like 100.

The cute giraffe at the feeding area.

Next stop, the water park area.

My adorable Munchkin.

They had a ton of rides there, including a carousel, a ferris wheel, a flying elephant ride, trains, cars. However, we ran out of time so we weren't able to go on them. It'll be the first thing we do next time we're there! At least Sawyer got to test out some of the "little" rides.