Sawyer is so excited about becoming a big brother! His enthusiasm is simply precious. He keeps asking when the baby is going to come out of my belly. He tells us he wants the baby to come out so he can hug and kiss her. He says he wants to help take care of her.
Sawyer has gone with me to a couple of ultrasound appointments and was mesmerized when he saw her on the monitor. He doesn't quite fully understand how his life is going to change once his sister gets here, but I think the fact that they will be more than 3 years apart is a good thing.
I think the biggest challenge he's going to have is sharing his Dad's attention. Sawyer is a total Daddy's boy. They are best friends and do everything together. Cliff is with him constantly so it's going to be quite a shock for him to see his Dad giving attention to someone else.

Speaking of the pain, I've been experiencing major lower back pain and sharp shooting pains in my right hip and leg. The pain is excruciating at times. I'm sure the massive weight I've gained hasn't helped either, but as I keep saying, it is all so worth it! Thank goodness I have a supportive and loving husband who has taken over 90% of the responsibilities for the past 7 months.
Sawyer has been riding his bike a lot lately. Cliff loves taking him to a park near our house because there's plenty of room to ride. He either rides his bike in the hockey rink w/ the other kids (sometimes kids his age, other times older), or he'll ride on the bike path. We've noticed he tends to gravitate towards the older kids (5-8) rather than kids his own age.
Sawyer's language skills have grown vastly over the past couple of months. We've noticed the biggest difference in his sentence structure and his thought process. Sometimes I look at him and think, wow, am I really having this conversation with you? You're 3 years old. lol He asks why constantly.
Sawyer has also gotten to quite a handful. He definitely keeps us on our toes, constantly challenging us and his teachers at school to see how much he can get away with. He has an incredibly strong willed personality, which makes dealing with him difficult at times. The important thing is we are consistent with him.
2011 is such an exciting year! Cliff and I are planning a big move out of state this Summer! More info on that later.