The more I learn about Northern Virginia, the more excited i get about moving. I've spoken with several people this past week, all of whom have lived there, and they absolutely love it.
The Good so far:
1. Northern Virginia is renowned for its schools. The public schools are one of the finest in the country from the primary level all the way up to the top. It is ranked #1 in U.S. by Forbes. Education, or lack thereof, was always a concern of mine here in Florida. This was another reason why we chose not to move to Austin.
2. Museums are free and there are so many.
3. Average median age is 34.
4. Diverse. My children will be exposed to lots of different cultures and people.
5. Great Asian Food!
The Bad so far:
1. Horrible Traffic.
2. Frigid cold weather.
3. High cost of living. Like anywhere worth living, it'll cost you.