Sawyer cannot be contained! He has learned how to scoot his entire pack n’ play across the room while in it by rocking back and forth! Today, he scooted himself over about 3 feet over to Enya’s bed.
In the past week Sawyer has developed so many new skills. He can sit fully upright now all by himself. He’s also crawling and climbing everywhere. In the morning, I wake up to him climbing on top of me. Although he starts out the night sleeping in his own crib, he usually ends up back in our bed after he wakes for his night feeding. It’s just easier for me to take him to bed with us and breastfeed him there so I can fall right back to sleep without having to get up again.
In our bedroom we have a full length mirror that looks directly into the bathroom. If I am in the bathroom and not in Sawyer’s direct sight, he will use this mirror to see where I’ve gone and what I’m doing. It’s hilarious to see him follow me with his eyes. He’s making sure I don’t go too far away.
Sawyer tried sweet potatoes for the 1st time yesterday and loved it. He couldn’t get enough and ate the entire jar. That’s another 1st!
Cliff bought Sawyer a Domo. He loves it! It’s his new favorite toy. He holds Domo by his arm and swings him around. Cliff also got him a Samurai Domo, which should arrive in the mail sometime this week.
Here he is givin' a high five.
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