Happily walks in, not knowing what he's in for.

Dad trying his best to distract an inconsolable Sawyer.
This is far worse than going to the Dr.
When will the injustice end?

This is far worse than going to the Dr.

When will the injustice end?

Then just like that, everything is ok again. 
Cristina successfully makes peace with Sawyer.
A happy little boy emerges once again.

Cristina successfully makes peace with Sawyer.

A happy little boy emerges once again.

Pretty typical for a first timer. It is like their hair has pain receptors on them, even though they don't. A couple more times and he'll be fine. Riley was JUST like that on the first cut too.
That is hilarious about the pain receptors! Sawyer seriously acted like he was being tortured. It was heartbreaking to watch, but funny at the same time.
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