Monday, November 22, 2010

Still sick, YMCA, Christmas Special

So I thought I was in the clear with the sickness, but apparently, it refuses to leave me. I'm still experiencing nausea, although mild and definitely nothing as intense as I experienced in the 1st trimester. It comes and goes throughout the day, mostly at night. It's manageable though and at least I can get things done now.

Cliff and I are dying to find out the sex of our baby. They can tell now, but since I have no medical need for an ultrasound, we have to wait several more weeks.

I did something I thought I would never do this morning. I canceled my YMCA membership! :-( I haven't gone in 2 months due to being sick, so I figured I'd cancel now and renew at a later time. The girls there were very sad to see me go and were shocked since they now how much I love going there. I also stopped by the Child Watch room and said my good byes to the ladies there. They asked about Sawyer and wondered why he hadn't come in so long. The Y has been so wonderful, a home away from home. I will miss them, but hopefully not for long.

Sawyer will be singing and performing on stage with his class next month at his school's Christmas Special! We can't wait to see this! He's been singing the songs at home and really getting into it. I'm going to try and catch it on video, if possible.


Nels said...

Oooh, definitely video please! Would love to see Sawyer singing up on stage! Hope the nausea and sickness goes away.

Mimi said...

Thanks Nels, I think the sickness is finally over! I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that.


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