Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Pictures

Sawyer and Enya have become buddies and I swear, they think they're siblings. Sawyer likes to chase Enya around the house, taunt her with his little toy vacuum, feed her his snacks, and ride her like she's a pony. He even mimics her barking! Enya is such a good sport. She lets him do all the things babies do. Once she's had enough, she lets me know and I separate them for a few hours so that Enya can have a break. She loves Sawyer and is very protective of him when we're out. We truly lucked out with Enya. She is the most laid back, easy going dog we've ever met! Our big girl turns 5 on next month.

These pictures were taken this past Saturday. We went out for lunch and Sawyer went to town on the corn! He loves corn on the cob.

He also loves apples. He refuses to eat them if I slice them up. He prefers to take bites straight out of the apple. Oh, and he has to hold it himself. He's all about doing things himself these days with no help from Mama. I'm going to start peeling them because he has a hard time chewing the skin.

Sawyer's grandparents were here visiting the 1st week in May. The first few days they were here, I was in Portland, OR visiting Tomomi. However, I did get to spend a couple of fun days with them after I returned.

Sawyer was terrified of this waterfall. He was holding on to Grandma and crying to get away from it!
Here he is examining the waterfall from a safe distance.
Here he is with Grandpa still looking back at the waterfall, making sure they weren't going to go anywhere near it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mama Day

I had the best Mother's Day! Cliff and Sawyer took me out for dim sum, my favorite! I also got the sweetest Mother's Day card ever. It made me cry.

Afterward, I got my hair cut. I had more than 6 inches chopped off and I love it! I should have done this a long time ago.
The Lovebirds

Friday, May 1, 2009

First Professional Haircut

We took Sawyer to a salon to get his 1st professional haircut on the 19th. It was an excruciating experience for him. He hated every minute of it. The woman who cut his hair was awesome and did an amazing job considering the fight Sawyer put up. The cut took less than 10 minutes, but felt like an eternity. Our poor little baby thought he was being tortured.

Happily walks in, not knowing what he's in for.

As soon as the smock goes on, he senses something is awry.

Confirmation that this is not what he signed up for.
Trying his best to escape.
What did I do to deserve this?

Dad trying his best to distract an inconsolable Sawyer.
This is far worse than going to the Dr.
When will the injustice end?

Then just like that, everything is ok again.
Cristina successfully makes peace with Sawyer.
A happy little boy emerges once again.

Our handsome Little Man!


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