Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sawyer and Mom

Green Cay Nature Center

I took Sawyer to the Green Cay Nature Center last Thursday. He rode his Mopi all around the boardwalk and waved hi and bye to everyone he passed by.

Inside they have live animal exhibits. Sawyer got to see little alligators and turtles up close and personal.

I really like this place because it's only a 5 minute car ride from our house. It's convenient, free, and Sawyer really enjoys it!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Skateboard and Chick-fil-A

I bought Sawyer a little boy skateboard several months ago from Target. I hid it away because I felt he was too young at the time. I gave it to him a week or so ago and he's been loving it! Skateboards and bikes are his 2 favorite things right now.

Sawyer and I had lunch at the mall yesterday. Here he is chowing down on some Chick-fil-a nuggets.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sawyer's latest thing is singing into a microphone. He will dance too and put on a quite a show. I'll try to catch that in another episode. He's only singing briefly in this one.

Sawyer riding his new, bigger sized Mopi at Grandma's house.

Sawyer met a little friend at the Fruit Pit play area in the mall. Her name is Kennedy and they played nonstop together for an hour and a 1/2. They were quite taken with each other. It was so cute. My videos of them aren't very good. I took these with my iPhone.

My 2 kids

Enya is the best dog ever! She is Sawyer's best friend. When we're at home, they are constantly together. Enya even goes into Sawyer's room at night to check in on him as if he were her baby. Sawyer loves to grab her face and give her kisses. It's quite something.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Starting the year sick

I have been sick as a dog all week. Sawyer caught Croup virus while playing at the YMCA 2 weeks ago and passed it on to me. My poor baby has been sick a lot lately. He had strep throat the week before Christmas, but got over that pretty quickly once he started taking antibiotics. Croup however, was a lot worse! Fortunately, he's over that now.

My horrible cough has prevented me from doing any kind of exercise. I start coughing and I can't stop. I hate not being able to run. I haven't moved my body since last Friday, which feels like forever. Before Christmas, I was up to running 8 miles and now this set back. Hopefully, I'll be back to my normal schedule by this weekend. My goal is to run 10 miles by the end of March. Now that I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I must work hard to maintain it in 2010!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas in Virgina

Our Christmas was so fun! We flew to VA to celebrate with Cliff's family. Sawyer was the center of attention and was mostly very well behaved. Everyone loved seeing him! On Christmas day he went around and happily threw his arms around everyone and gave big hugs and kisses. It was adorable and totally melted my heart to see what a sweet little boy he’s become!

He has really bonded w/ his Nana (Cliff’s mom) and kept asking about her on our flight home. He calls her Nani. It was heartbreaking for me, since I know he won’t see her again until the Summer. We’re going to Skype every week till then so Sawyer can see her on the webcam and talk to her.

Here's Sawyer with his Nani and Great Grandma!

Sawyer got a lot of gifts, mostly books, a few puzzles, several balls, cars, trucks, stuff animals, and a new large sized Mopi bike that he loves. He’s outgrown the one he has at home. This is his most used and favorite toy of all time! He had a blast riding in the house and outside. I love where my in-laws live because there is a ridiculous amount of space for him to run around, several acres. The backyard alone is the size of a park.

We got to visit my friend Jen. Her parents are close friends with Cliff’s parents. Jen and I met at my wedding and have kept in touch since. Her son Trevor is about 3 months older than Sawyer and they played very well together. Trevor loved giving Sawyer kisses and you will see in the pics! Lol.. He kept bringing out toys from his playroom to show off to Sawyer.

Cliff also met up with his old best friend from Jr. High School Casey who he hadn’t seen since freshman year in college. They got back in touch via Facebook.

I did get a chance to run outside one day and it was fantastic! The country scenery was so beautiful and I loved feeling the cold air on my cheeks. It felt really peaceful…wish I could run here all the time!

The flight to VA was good. Sawyer loves airplanes so flying was a real treat for him. He was scared at the beginning of the 1st flight when we first took off, but was fine after that. He loved looking out the window at the clouds and at the city down below. He couldn’t wait to get on our 2nd connecting flight! When we landed he yelled out, ‘yay’ and clapped his hands. Everyone on board started laughing.

The return flight was a bit challenging only because Cliff and I were so tired. We had to get up at 3AM for an early morning flight. The 1st leg was easy, but the 2nd leg Sawyer got restless. We tried keeping him busy w/ coloring books, toys, etc, but on 3 hours of sleep both Cliff and I were spent. Security did take a little longer to get through due to the new restrictions, but not much. I actually forgot our carry on at the security checkpoint and didn’t notice until we were boarding our flight! I had to run back to to get it. Fortunately, it wasn’t too far from our gate.

For more pictures go here.


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