Friday, July 15, 2011

Sky at 2 months and 2 days

Sky is a natural born sleeper. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. I must say, it is wonderful not being sleep deprived.

On the flip side, she no longer sleeps for long stretches during the day, but instead will take cat naps. I much prefer she do this and sleep through the night instead.

Sky is an expressive baby. She loves to "talk" and will coo for days if you talk to her. She's smiley, loves to laugh, and sighs in the cutest way.

Sawyer is still in love with her. He hugs and kisses her first thing every morning when he sees her. I was expecting him to be a little jealous upon her arrival, but that never happened.

Sky poops and pees continuously and goes through what seems like double the amount of diapers.

Sky weighs almost 12 pounds now and is super chunky. I am constantly squeezing her baby chub because I love it so much.

Sky wants to be held constantly. She's only just started to let me put her in a chair or swing, but refuses to tolerate it for more than 5-10 minutes max. I've developed carpul tunnel in my right wrist/arm from holding her so much. I had it with Sawyer when he was an infant too for the same reason. I bought a Moby wrap to wear her, but she hated it. I can't wait till she's about 3-4 months so I can use my Ergo carrier.

Sky loves to take baths. She loved it the very first time I put her in a bath, never cried once. She just sits on her hammock (it attaches to the baby tub) and enjoys getting soaped up.

Sky is still gassy. I've completely eliminated dairy from my diet, which seems to have helped, but she's still in pain. I know some gas is normal for an infant, but she seems to have a lot of it.

Sky also has infant reflux. She doesn't throw up every day (it's actually quite infrequent), but when she does, the amount of milk that comes out is massive. Pediatrician isn't concerned because she has continued to gain weight.

Here is a picture of Sky at her 2 month checkup earlier this week.

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